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Jesse Robson, PT, has substantial postgraduate training and more than a decade of experience treating:


  • Pain in the genitals, rectum, abdomen, buttocks, back, hips, pelvis, prostate, or tailbone

  • Pain due to conditions such as endometriosis, prostatitis, pelvic pain syndrome, pudental neuralgia, proctalgia fugax, interstitial cystitis, etc.

  • Incontinence (leaking urine, stool, or gas)

  • Urgency and overactive bladder 

  • Constipation

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Recovery following abdominal or pelvic surgery

  • Prenatal challenges such as pain, incontinence (leaking urine, stool, or gas), exercise/movement challenges, or constipation 

  • Preparation for labour & delivery

  • Postpartum challenges (e.g. diastasis recti, incontinence, pain, return to physical activity and sports)

  • Symptoms of perimenopause such as urogenital changes, reduced strength and bone density, constipation, aches and pains, etc.​


Jesse has worked at Nova Scotia's provincial pain clinic in Halifax, and has served as chair of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association's Pelvic & Reproductive Health Division. She designed a postpartum rehab program that is regularly offered free of charge to local women in collaboration with Our Health Centre. Jesse has been recognized locally by the South Shore Women and Girls' Leadership Network for her commitment to women's health. She is committed to thorough, compassionate, evidence-based physiotherapy practice, and loves to help people better understand and effectively address pelvic and reproductive health challenges.


Jesse does not currently fit pessaries, or provide pelvic floor physiotherapy to children under the age of 8.




Frequently Requested Services

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